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Dream Keep Consulting creates learning opportunities that promote self-reflection, community care, and activism - with the purpose of enhancing the well-being of hood youth everywhere. DKC is here for hood Black youth and young adults, their caregivers, and the human service professionals that serve them. 

Our work:

  • Challenges systems (people) to build loving, life altering spaces & experiences for hood Black youth

  • Challenges myths that hood Black culture is less than: pushing people that work in the hood to actually work with the hood

  • Redefines advocacy by uplifting the knowledge, desires, and voices of hood Black folk first and foremost

We honor the hood by showing that our existence, intelligence, and work are mighty.

We value the treasure inherent to hood Black youth as carriers of a culture of joy and struggle that commands respect world-wide.

Dream Keep Consulting envisions a world where hood Black youth have the same opportunities and quality of life as all other youth. A world where no youth suffer at the hands of oppressive systems. DKC’s services are aimed at supporting Hood youth and the people that have the power to help them feel safe, loved, and capable.






Dream Keep:

  • Creates brave space to explore things beyond “how they’ve always been”

  • Is focused on liberation. We believe Black folks and we believe in Black folks.

  • Protects and honors the dreams of Hood Black folk intergenerationally while fighting for our right to manifest our own futures


We invite you to create new ways of being with us.

Thank you for joining the movement to create CHAMPIONS for the HOOD!


Hoods are underinvested & resource limited 

intentionally by racist and sexist systems

- oppressive systems run by people.

We understand that interpersonal relationships are

the foundation of all systems of oppression.

These relationships are also the site of

all sparks of change.

DKC envisions a world where being honest

about injustice is not seen as taboo;

where conversations and deliberate, swift action about the change we need are the norm. 

A world where we listen to Hood Black people about their needs and find sustainable ways to meet them.



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